Choosing the Right Colours for your Website

Choosing the Right Colours for your Website

Choosing colours for your Website can be quite a difficult and daunting task in spite of the apparent easiness. In order to effectively communicate your brand’s message and convert visitors to customers, it is important you choose the perfect chromatic palette which helps to create a proper brand awareness.
Many research studies have shown that when used the right way, colors have the tendencies to greatly influence the state of the human mind. The color scheme used on your website can help convert visitors to customers or make visitors to end up leaving your website after the first few seconds.
Here are some guidelines to take in choosing the right colors for your website:

Use a natural palette of colors

Research has shown that using a natural palette of colors is more pleasing to the eye than any of their artificial counterparts. It is important that they are combined in the right way to get the emotional response that you want to get from your visitors or prospects. Colors such as bright green, blue or red usually cause eye fatigue and tends to chase visitors away.

Choose your Dominant color

The dominant color is usually your brand color – like how everybody knows the fire engine red is associated with Coca-Cola. This color will help bring out certain emotions or feelings when people arrive on your website.
Make sure one of the primary colors of your logo is using the dominant color on your website.

Create a strong contrast between a page’s background and its text

The best color combination for readability is black text on a white background, however there are also other excellent combinations you could use. Asides white, other effective web site background colors are dark blue, gray and black. During product promotions, since the product is usually the center of attraction, desaturated colors formed by mixing a color of the spectrum with white is usually recommended.

Select an average of 3 different colors and use them consistently throughout the website

Choosing the right color combination is one of the most important criteria in order to create a pleasant experience for the visitors. It is highly recommended that a moderate number of colors should be employed. Four or five different colors is ideal, anything more than that will create inconsistency and can cause an eye sore to your website visitors.

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